Configure apps in Wayfinder

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Wayfinder. 
- Interested in a demo? Contact us here

Tracking Apps from the Available Tab. 

Wayfinder will automatically and anonymously discover known applications and domains that are frequently accessed by employees. Items that appear in this inventory can be quickly configured as Tracked Apps.

  1. Visit the Available Tab within Wayfinder to view the applications accessed by employees through their browsers.
  2. Identify the application you wish to monitor and click on "Configure" to proceed.
  3. Configure the application from the menu that appears on the right-hand side of the screen
    1. (optional) Assign a champion, the internal owner of the application.
    2. Set the license count for the application. Wayfinder will use this to track license utilization.
  4. Optionally, include any additional subdomains from the application in order to manage capture and privacy settings
  5.    Select the checkbox “privacy” to apply Private by Default settings to the domains.
  6. Click “Save” to complete the configuration. The configured application will now appear in the “Tracking tab”.

Adding a New App Manually

  1. Click “+ New App” in the top right corner on the Wayfinder Apps Page.
  2. Fill in app name and license count in the modal on the right hand side of the screen.
  3. Add the domains and/or subdomains for this application and click “Add”.
  4. Click “Save”.



What requirements have to be met in order for an app/domain to show up in the "Available" tab in Wayfinder?

Wayfinder will automatically surface an application under the “Available” tab after there are visits from at least 5 unique browsers with the Wayfinder extension.


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