Conversions - Quick start guide

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Enterprise and Advanced plans.
- Available for admins, architects, explorers, and standard users.

Learn all about conversions in our interactive learning module! Log in with your Fullstory credentials to check it out here.

Looking for a deep dive on Conversions? Check-out the 5 part series designed to provide more details about the Conversions product. Use this article as a high-level overview to help you get started with Conversions. 

Create a new conversion analysis

  1. Navigate to Conversions
  2. Adjust the Conversions Composer to select the funnel, segment, date, and signals to consider
    • Create or Edit a Conversion Funnel by defining the event filters you want to analyze
      Wondering about the difference between a Conversion Funnel and a Segment?
    • Select the Segment of users you want to analyze by adjusting the Performed By filter
    • Adjust the Date Range to include sessions from a specific timeframe
    • Configure the Signals that could contribute to your list of Opportunities, including common points of friction, Custom Events and Watched Elements
  3. Once saved, review the list of opportunities to improve your Conversion Funnel
  4. Select an opportunity to open a more detailed Opportunity Analysis View
    • The Opportunity Details provides an overview of the analysis
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    • Watch sessions to gain context for users who did or didn’t have this experience and how it impacted their conversion
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    • The Opportunity Detail and Comparison provide more visibility into where this experience is impacting your Conversion Funnel

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