
New User Retention Trends Over Time

This Metric will display the trends in retaining new users filtered by day/week/month. 


  • Segment: New today, new this week, and new this month
  • Event: New User Retention


  1. Create segments for users new today, new this week, and new this month.Screen_Shot_2022-06-30_at_10.54.00_AM.png
  2. Create and save a Metric called “New User Retention”, using the count of Unique users with Any activity when the Platform is Mobile Apps.
  3. Set the interval to daily and the time period to the past 30 days.
  4. Select 'New today', 'New this week' and 'New this month' from the Compare users dropdown menu.Screen_Shot_2022-06-30_at_10.55.31_AM.png
  5. Click play to watch related sessions.

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