How to make "Notes" even better?


Often times when watching customer recordings I create “notes” during specific actions or when customers experienced a pain point. These notes go into my notes section, but I think that expanding that into a collection of “Insights” that can be further categorized into tags and displayed using a rainbow map this could help other teams to discover issues to further explore.

Sometimes I don’t have the time to research interesting issue that I may noticed on a recording but having a place where I can collect all these “insights” for further research would be very helpful...almost like a backlog of things that I can further research.



1 comment

  • Hey @DataSeed99! Nice to hear from you! 😊

    I love that you are utilizing “notes” to identify specific actions. I can understand how expanding this into a collection with further categorization could be really helpful!

    I have submitted this as a feature request on your behalf. Thanks again for the feedback!


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