How to implement fullStory with Google Sheet Apps Script Add-on


I want to implement fullStory for data capture and user experience. I had developed the fullstory in the excel add-in successfully, but when I tried to create the same for the google app script add-on it was not working. I have added the script tag in google sheet add-on but it's not working as per it's document.

I have followed the below step:

I have added the below script in head section of add-on HTML file.

window['_fs_host'] = '';
window['_fs_script'] = '';
window['_fs_org'] = 'id';
window['_fs_namespace'] = 'FS';
(function (m, n, e, t, l, o, g, y) {
if (e in m) { if (m.console && m.console.log) { m.console.log('FullStory namespace conflict. Please set window["_fs_namespace"].'); } return; }
g = m[e] = function (a, b, s) { g.q ? g.q.push([a, b, s]) : g._api(a, b, s); }; g.q = [];
o = n.createElement(t); o.async = 1; o.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; o.src = 'https://' + _fs_script;
y = n.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; y.parentNode.insertBefore(o, y);
g.identify = function (i, v, s) { g(l, { uid: i }, s); if (v) g(l, v, s) }; g.setUserVars = function (v, s) { g(l, v, s) }; g.event = function (i, v, s) { g('event', { n: i, p: v }, s) };
g.anonymize = function () { g.identify(!!0) };
g.shutdown = function () { g("rec", !1) }; g.restart = function () { g("rec", !0) };
g.log = function (a, b) { g("log", [a, b]) };
g.consent = function (a) { g("consent", !arguments.length || a) };
g.identifyAccount = function (i, v) { o = 'account'; v = v || {}; v.acctId = i; g(o, v) };
g.clearUserCookie = function () { };
g.setVars = function (n, p) { g('setVars', [n, p]); };
g._w = {}; y = 'XMLHttpRequest'; g._w[y] = m[y]; y = 'fetch'; g._w[y] = m[y];
if (m[y]) m[y] = function () { return g._w[y].apply(this, arguments) };
g._v = "1.3.0";
})(window, document, window['_fs_namespace'], 'script', 'user');

I don't know why it's not working.
Can anyone guide me on this?




  • Hey @shiv.yadav! Thanks for reaching out! 

    While we’re not as familiar with using FullStory with Google Add-ons, one thing that you could try that others have found worked for them is adding this additional flag:

    window['_fs_is_outer_script'] = true;

    We have more information on this flag in our iframe article here.

    Please let me know if this is successful, or if you have any other questions! 

  • Hello @lindsay , Thanks for your reply.

    I added this additional tag in my full-story script. It's working for me. Thank you for being so supportive.

  • Hi @shiv.yadav! 

    Not a problem at all! I’m so glad to hear that worked for you! 

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any other questions. 😊


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