Troubleshooting: User Attribute Data Not Showing
We have a user attribute that was added on segment. The attribute was added at 10am MT this morning and is showing data in amplitude but only 1 session in fullstory. Any ideas on why that would be?
1 comment
Hi Karen Abram ! Thanks for reaching out!
To begin troubleshooting this, I'd begin by looking at the API Errors tab in your Fullstory settings. In this tab, we'll surface any errors that might be occurring, including errors related to user properties you're attempting to pass to Fullstory. You can read more about how to troubleshoot these issues here: Troubleshooting Client API errors
If you're not seeing any errors in the API Errors tab related to the user property in question, I'd suggest reaching out to our Support team and including the name of the property you're searching for as this will require further troubleshooting. If you can provide additional details about how you're attempting to pass this property to Fullstory along with any other details that might be useful, that would be appreciated.
You can reach out to us via the question mark symbol in the top, right of your Fullstory account (choose the ‘Email Customer Support’ option.) Thanks!
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