Creating a segment of Users using OR logic


Saw a post from last year asking about using OR logic when creating a user segment, checking if there's been any movement on this ability.

In short, I'm trying to create a cohort of users who've signed up for our product.  I have a string called the ‘company name’, which I can use in the segment to add users.  I also have several users with just a ‘user ID’ that I'm also trying to add to the same segment.  But I can't add a company name OR user ID=XXX, it's an AND only filter, even though the interface seems like this should work.

Example when adding the last ‘User ID’ is, limits me to only a single match.

Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance!



1 comment

  • Official comment

    Hi Dan Jenner !

    I'm afraid it isn't currently possible to use OR logic in respect of user filters. I've gone ahead and added a +1 to this internal feature request on your behalf as this is feedback we have heard from a few other Fullstory customers in the past, as you mentioned.

    That said, does the ‘Company Name’ property ever change for a single user over time, or does it always remain the same? If it remains consistent (which is already the case for user ID's since these cannot be changed for users once given) - I'm curious if a potential workaround could be to build your segment using historic user variable values as in the below example:

    Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further queries or suggestions we can assist you with.

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