Journeys Popular Paths

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Enterprise and Advanced plans. 
- Explorers can view and create. Admins, architects, and standard users can view, create, and save.

Journeys help you visualize how users explore your site, showing you step-by-step page or event navigation and other key interactions along the way. Fullstory intelligently highlights popular paths to help you easily identify interesting paths from the journey.

Understanding popular paths

Fullstory uses a combination of factors to define popular paths within the Journey including:

  • Detecting a completion rate threshold and omitting paths whose first step was taken by a lower percentage of all users or sessions than the threshold
  • Omitting paths with fewer than 3 steps
  • Omitting paths that are continuous subsets of other paths
  • Omitting duplicate steps
  • Sorting by the path’s overall continue rate - of all sessions/users that started/ended with the Page/event, the percentage that included the entire path.

Visualizing popular paths

After you have selected the configuration options, click Explore to generate the Journey.

By default the Journeys most popular path based on your configuration will be displayed indicated by the selected steps and purple-colored links.

You can explore the other popular paths by selecting a different path in the Popular Paths drop down above the visualization or by clicking on various steps within the Journey that match an identified popular path. You can differentiate a popular path between a less popular path by the color of the links. Popular paths will display in the purple colors and less popular paths will display in the gray-tone colors.

Watch Sessions

You can explore the popular paths in more detail by watching related sessions. Click Watch Sessions and select the path from the list to generate the session playlist. After you've chosen your path, click Watch to scroll to the bottom of the page and watch the related sessions. You may also select specific steps directly on the Journey and click Watch Sessions if you choose a different path from the popular path options.

Create Funnels or Segments

Popular paths can easily be transformed to funnels or segments directly from Journeys. From the Create drop down choose to create a funnel or segment. Select one of the popular paths and click Create.

  • Funnel: Use this option to see how successfully users move through a defined series of steps.
  • Segment: Use this option when you’d like to analyze the characteristics of users who performed a series of steps in more detail.

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