Fullstory's integration with Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager allows you to install and enable Fullstory on your website or app using Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM).
Setup from Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM)
1. Copy your unique Fullstory snippet from the Settings > Fullstory Setup page.
2. From the code editor in Adobe, select the option to add the Fullstory snippet as a Third Party Tag.
3. Click Add New Script. Provide the script name and select to have the Fullstory snippet triggered sequentially.
Note: While DTM provides a variety of options for when and how to load the Fullstory snippet, it is best to add the Fullstory snippet as a "sequential HTML" tag to ensure that the snippet is injected in to the <head> of the page. The Fullstory snippet is specifically optimized to work as a sequential tag. The snippet itself is just a small bit of code designed to fetch the full data capture script, fs.js, which loads asynchronously, without blocking the page load. This is why it's acceptable to load the snippet sequentially. Read more about performance and the Fullstory Script.
4. Paste the Fullstory snippet into the text area, then click Save Code.
5. Once saved, the Fullstory JavaScript will be added into the queue for the rule within Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM).