How do I change the default date range from "Past 30 days" to "All time"?


Every time I start a search, the date filter is already set to “Past 30 days”. I would like it to instead default to “All time”.

How can I change the default?




  • Hi @Andrew_From_Derivita ! Thanks for reaching out! 😊

    I was curious to find the same and checked with one of our amazing fullstory support member @Gemma  and please find below reason for why default 30 days option.

    The system default is set to show the last 30 days as some of fullstory customers have long retention periods (over a year) so if they offered "All time" as a default, it wouldn't be very efficient as a starting point, every time a user creates a search to load all session data, when they’re not sure that's what they really need.

    Most customers start with the last 30 days so they can refine the search criteria before going on to search a wider range of sessions. The selected time range will be kept when a segment / metric is saved and when working with Dashboards, we offer the ability to apply a time range to everything on the dashboard.

    As a suggestion, you could save a segment using the last 90 days / all time and Star this for you to use when starting searches.

    Also It could be really helpful for the team to understand why seeing everything as the default would be useful for you so we can consider sharing feedback to our product team to think about improvements in the future but unfortunately this isn't an option that can be configured in an account currently.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thank you, @Sharf and @Gemma.

    Would you pass along my interest in this feature?

    I see why “Past 30 days” is useful for some people, but it doesn’t fit my use case. I use FullStory for tech support, so we’re often looking for a very specific set of sessions: just one user, or just visits to one user-created page.

    It’s bothersome that we need to change the date filter when starting a new query, since we need as much context as possible. Going from “Past 30 days” to “Past 90 days” would never be overwhelming, rather an increase from about 10 sessions to about 30.

    Thanks for the answer, and thanks in advance for presenting my feedback to your product team.

  • Hi @Andrew_From_Derivita ,

    Thank you for taking the time to provide some additional context on your use-case. I’ve gone ahead and shared this feedback with the team so we can think about how ways to improve our default searches in the future. 

    If you come across any other features you’d like to see in FullStory that would make life easier, when you’re logged in to the app there is a hand icon on the top right 🤚 where you can share any feedback or ideas with us.

    If there’s anything else we can help with, let us know!

  • Summary: There isn’t a way to change the default.

    The best you can do is save a segment with your desired date range to use as your jumping-off point.


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