How to use FullStory in a Chrome Extension?




We’d like to integrate FullStory into our Chrome Extension, but we don’t want to capture *all* of the sites that users visit. How do we restrict the scope of what’s captured to only interactions with our extension?




  • Hey @fsargent! Thanks so much for reaching out! That’s a great question. 😊

    While we don't officially support capturing Chrome Extensions, we do know that some customers have been able to capture certain Chrome Extensions in the past. 

    Capturing activity only within a browser extension that you own is totally okay, whereas using a browser extension or any other means, to add FullStory to a third party website is never okay.

    Since the former is true, you can achieve this following the steps outlined in Option #3 of our capturing content in iframe help article. Simply put, you'll need to deploy FullStory, along with the special window['_fs_is_outer_script'] = true; flag into the iframe source code to begin capturing activity within this extension.

    After following the steps outlined in the above help article, please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or run into any issues. 



  • Hello, are you able to implement FullStory in your Chrome Extension? I ask this because on my side even the init process doesn't work. Indeed, it tries to inject a script which is not allowed by chrome.

  • Hi Hanania Razafinarivo ,

    Welcome to Fullstory! Thanks for reaching out to ask about using Fullstory with a Chrome Extension.

    While we don't officially support capturing Chrome Extensions, we do know that some customers have been able to capture certain Chrome Extensions in the past.
    Are you hoping to use FullStory to capture sessions specifically for the UI of your browser extension or within an iframe?

    We'd be happy to take a closer look to confirm whether we'd be able to capture your Chrome Extension if you can provide details of your extension by raising a support ticket using this link

    If there's anything else you would like to ask the Community, please let us know but the Support team is best for help with troubleshooting. 

    Gemma :-)


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