Brittany Luttrell
Activity overview
Latest activity by Brittany Luttrell-
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Sending employee attributes into Wayfinder
Who can use this feature?- Available with Wayfinder. - Interested in a demo? Contact us here. Employee data often lives in many different systems across your organization. For example, perhaps yo...
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Configure apps in Wayfinder
Who can use this feature?- Available with Wayfinder. - Interested in a demo? Contact us here. Tracking Apps from the Available Tab. Wayfinder will automatically and anonymously discover known ap...
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Unmasking Elements in Wayfinder
Who can use this feature?- Available with Wayfinder. - Interested in a demo? Contact us here. To unmask elements in Wayfinder, follow these steps: 1. Find a session showing the elements you wish ...
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Wayfinder Setup Guide
Who can use this feature?- Available with Wayfinder. - Interested in a demo? Contact us here. Wayfinder is a browser extension that measures the utilization of internal software applications. Wayf...
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Native Mobile Crash & Error Reporting
The Crashed event filter will return sessions when your Android application crashed. Returning Crashed events for iOS requires additional configuration. iOS differs from Android in that it selecti...
Brittany Luttrell created an article, Extracted Element Properties
Who can use this feature?- Available with all plans.- Requires an admin or architect role. Extract values from page text and data attributes for more granular analysis. You can do this in Data Stu...
Brittany Luttrell commented, I took a look at your session and then shared that with our engineers who identified this as a bug. It won't interfere with your ability to use Fullstory, rather it'll just be an annoying little no...
Brittany Luttrell commented, Hey there! I’m going to spin up a support ticket for this so we can take a closer look. :) I’ll be locking this thread as well, so look for a message in your inbox from our Support team!
Brittany Luttrell commented, Hey there! I’m going to spin up a support ticket for you so we can take a closer look at this particular field. That said, Form Privacy on our Free Plans is required (see: FullStory Free Plan — FAQ...
Brittany Luttrell commented, Hey there! Great question.I think your best bet is to use a Journey for this, using Starts With > Visited Page or an Event. However Journeys are only available on Advanced and Enterprise plans so i...