How can I improve my funnel conversion rate?

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Enterprise and Advanced plans. 
- Explorers can view and create. Admins, architects, and standard users can view, create, and save.

Funnels show you how frustration events, slow page loads, and network errors impact conversion rates. Use the conversion opportunities table to view detected issues and prioritize improvements.

Follow the steps below to view conversion opportunities in your funnel:

  1. Create a funnel or open an existing funnel.
  2. Scroll to the Conversions Opportunities table.
  3. Click on any event to view the event details and analytics.

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What events appear in the table?

Fullstory analyzes five events by default:

  • Error Clicks
  • Dead Clicks
  • Rage Clicks
  • Page Performance (slow-loading pages)
  • Network Errors

To add more events, such as custom events and watched elements, click Edit in Conversions.

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Can I see the conversion table results specific to my funnel's custom segment and timeframe?

From Funnels, the conversions table surfaces events from the Everyone segment in the past 30 days. To edit the segment and time frame, click Edit in Conversions. 

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