How does the Chrome 80 cookie policy affect Fullstory?

Google Chrome announced changes to how the browser will treat cookies in February of 2020.

Fullstory's data capture functionality will not be affected by this change.

The cookie Fullstory uses for data capture, fs_uid, is a first party cookie. We place SameSite=Strict on this cookie which protects it from external access. So, for your end users, everything will continue as normal and data capture will take place as expected.

Separately, there's an issue where Fullstory customers—that is, users of the Fullstory application—are seeing cookie errors for our third party cookies. These only show up for users of the Fullstory application when they visit a site where the Fullstory data capture script has been deployed. We are exploring ways to mitigate those messages, but note this won't impact your end users or the capture of end users' sessions.

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