Google Play Store Privacy SDK Guidance

Below you'll find our answers to the following questionnaire curated by Google for SDK providers.

Fullstory for Mobile Apps

Fullstory’s groundbreaking platform helps you deliver stand-out mobile experiences while respecting end-user privacy.

Data type SDK accesses and collects

For each data type listed:

  1. Describe required (or automatic) data access versus optional access. “Optional” includes the ability for a user to opt into or opt out of data collection.
  • IP address
  • Device type
  • App name
  • App version
  • Fullstory for Mobile Apps SDK version
  • Device model
  • Device manufacturer
  • Platform
  • OS version
  • Display type
  • Screen size
  • User taps and gestures

Customers may choose to provide consent dialogs allowing end-users to opt-out of Fullstory. Additionally, Fullstory for Mobile Apps does not screenshot or video record any user activity.

  1. Does SDK transmit this data off the device ?
    • Yes, on average, one minute of session replay is ~20kB of information with caching. Please see this article for more detail on Fullstory for Mobile Apps performance.
  2. Describe purposes of collection and subsequent sharing and use.
    • Fullstory collects Usage Data and Diagnostics. For further information on our privacy policy, please see this article.
  3. Does SDK transfer data to other third parties, including other apps on the user’s device?  Describe the purposes for this sharing.
    • No

App level notes [complete section for any data collected or shared]

  1. Does your SDK encrypt data in transit?
    • Yes, Fullstory for Mobile Apps uses Transport Layer Security Protocol
  2. Can the app developer and/or users request to delete user data collected?

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