Can Fullstory capture when a user refreshes their page?

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Fullstory Enterprise

Fullstory Advanced

Fullstory Business

Fullstory for Mobile Apps

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Yes! When a user refreshes a page, it may be an indication that the page isn’t loading properly. With Fullstory, you can identify sessions where users refresh their pages using their browser refresh button or keyboard shortcut. 

To identify these sessions, build a search using the "Refreshed URL" event filter.

Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 11.48.07 AM.png

You can also track page refresh trends using metrics and dashboards. For example, this Dimensionality Card shows us which pages are refreshed most frequently.

Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 11.47.10 AM.png

Need a refresher on how to build metrics and dashboards? Explore our enablement courses at! 


Do I need to enable page refresh capture in my account?
Fullstory will automatically capture page refresh events after the Beta is enabled in your account. Previously captured sessions will not show page refresh events. 

Does Fullstory capture page refresh events for both web and mobile apps?
Page refresh events are supported for web only. 

Does Fullstory detect page refresh events triggered by a keyboard shortcut?
Yes. We’ll detect page refreshes whenever a user clicks their browser refresh button or uses the keyboard shortcut “Control/Command + r.”

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