Mobile App Heatmaps in Fullstory

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Mobile add-on.
- Available for admins, architects, and standard users.

Web vs. Mobile

Mobile App Heatmaps are similar to Heatmaps for web with a few key differences. The most important difference is that click maps and conversion maps are the only type of heatmap supported for native mobile apps at this time. Scroll maps are not currently supported for native mobile app sessions. Our web version of Heatmaps has all map types available. 

Additionally, unlike Heatmaps for web– which captures the entirety of the web page (including page content that needs to be scrolled to view)– mobile app Heatmaps generate a part (or section) of an app page or screen. For this reason, making the most of your mobile app Heatmap will look a little different. We’ll get into more detail on this in the Exploring Mobile App Heatmaps section below.

When choosing to explore a mobile app Heatmap, you can choose between the iOS or Android version of the page. Once that is configured, simply select the page from the list of pages you’ve created via API to explore it. You can also toggle Advanced Settings and select a Page Property to further narrow your heatmap results, if desired. (Note: this is only accessible if you are passing in custom page data using Fullstory’s API. If you are not pulling this data, Fullstory will indicate this.) Finally, choose a Segment, Device Type and Time Range to apply to your click map.

Exploring Mobile App Heatmaps 

Fullstory renders one variation of the selected page and displays the top clicks for it. Due to a large amount of variations in viewport sizes and screen resolutions, click maps are based on selector click counts and do not account for where on the screen or element the click was made. 

It’s possible there will be clicks shown in the top metrics bar, but no click data shown on the visualization or in the list shown on the right of the visualization. This is because the visualization and the list on the right only present click data for elements that are visible on the current heatmap visualization. In that scenario, this would only represent a portion of the overall Mobile App Page.

Image 1.png

If this happens, you should click “Get a new image” until you generate a visualization that contains the relevant clicks.

Image 2.png

You can also view a Mobile App Heatmap in Page Insights, where you are able to scrub the timeline to see other parts of the Page that may not immediately show in a heatmap.


The tablet device type option is disabled. How do I build a heatmap for tablets?

Tablet and mobile phone sessions are captured in the "mobile" device type option for mobile app heatmaps. Should you wish to only have your heatmaps reflect mobile phones or tablet devices, you can create a segment that is refined by the viewport height and viewport width. This will allow you to get as specific as you want.

image (28).png

If you're looking to configure a heatmap for iPads, another option is to build a segment where the 'device model' has substring of iPad. This is only available for iPads, as there is not a common identifier for Android tablet devices.

image (27).png

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