Get Started with Spaces

Ready to start organizing your Fullstory objects into spaces? Use these tips for a smooth roll-out. 

Available for the following Plan types:

  • One space is available with the Advanced, Business, or Free plan. 
  • Multiple spaces are available with the Enterprise plan.
  • All plans have private spaces.

Available for the following User roles:

  • Admins and architects can create, rename, and delete spaces. 
  • Standard users can view and manage the objects within a space. 
  • Explorers can view spaces, but cannot manage objects within them.
  • Guests are not able to access spaces.

This article is Part 2 of 3 in our series on Spaces:

1. Identify space captains

Choose a handful of space captains who can work together to roll out spaces for your organization. Space captains are likely:

  • Active Fullstory users.
  • Admins or architects in Fullstory.
  • Project, product, or team leaders.

The responsibilities of a space captain include: 

  • Develop the organization’s strategy within Fullstory.
  • Create and curate spaces. 
  • Manage roll-out communications. 
  • Maintain spaces and the objects within them.

2. Develop your organization's strategy

Rally your space captains and sketch a plan for organizing objects into spaces. The most natural way to organize spaces is by audience. How do users gather in your organization? Consider: 

  • How do different groups of people work together in Fullstory? 
  • Do they align by project, product, or department?
  • Do your org charts or Slack/Teams channels provide any clues? 
  • What topics garner shared interest or attention? 
  • What does everyone at your organization need to know? 

You can browse these ways to organize spaces for inspiration, but there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Design your spaces with user collaboration in mind, and you’ll discover what works best for your organization.

3. Create and curate spaces

Once you’ve aligned on a strategy, space captains should begin creating and curating their spaces. 

Spaces are the places people go to find valuable and relevant information in Fullstory. A few guiding questions can help space captains identify which objects to add, transfer, and feature. 

  • Which objects do collaborators in this space use regularly? 
    • Which objects do they manage? Transferring an object to a space indicates that collaborators in that space will also manage it long-term. 
    • Which objects do they reference? Adding an object to a space indicates that collaborators are interested in it, but aren’t responsible for managing it long-term.
  • Which objects do collaborators share frequently? What would visitors or executives want to know if they viewed this space?
    • Featuring objects makes them more visible and easy to discover. Using sections on your featured tab is also a great way to add additional context, organize objects, and highlight top priorities. 

4. Manage roll-out communications

Now that your spaces are ready, let your users know! Craft an email, send a Slack/Teams message, or host a training session for your Fullstory users. Be sure to document and include these key points:

  • What are spaces, and how do they work? (We'd recommend linking this article on Spaces.)
  • A list of your organization’s spaces and space captains.
  • Private spaces for workshopping analyses before sharing them with the broader organization.
  • How to request new spaces (remember–only Admins and Architects can create new spaces, so consider what processes other Fullstory users should use to send in requests).
  • Where to go with questions or feedback. (We’re happy to help over in the Fullstory Community, but a channel for internal questions and feedback is also important.)

5. Maintain spaces and the objects within them

Governance is key to managing successful spaces long-term. Ensure each space captain audits their spaces and the objects within them regularly to ensure they’re still accurate, relevant, and useful. Consider gathering all space captains quarterly to discuss adding, editing, or removing spaces for continuity as your organization evolves. 

Ready to get inspired?

The third and final part of our series, Ways to Organize Spaces, has examples to get your wheels turning! 

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