Google Analytics 4 & GA Universal

Note: As of July 1st, 2023, Google’s support for GA Universal has been discontinued. Therefore, Fullstory no longer supports a native integration to include Fullstory session links in GA event properties. However, you can still continue to use GA4 & UA rulesets with our Data Layer Capture integration:

Data Layer Capture

If your account participated in our Data Layer Capture beta program, you'll see a slightly different visual in Settings Manage Integrations including a specific Data Layer Capture integration. Despite the different view, the integration functions the same way.

Enhanced E-commerce

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 4.39.33 PM.png

Capture user interactions with products from the Enhanced E-commerce plugin Data Layer.

To enable Google Analytics for your Data Layer with Fullstory, follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Manage in your account
  • Find the Google Analytics: Enhanced E-commerce integration and click Install at the end of the row

When enabled, Google’s data layer will be captured specific to Enhanced E-commerce data.  Impression related data is not captured.

For more info, check out Google's Documentation.

GA4 Event Measurement

Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 4.39.38 PM.png

Ingest event data defined in Google Analytics 4 Data Layer. 

To enable Google Analytics for your Data Layer with Fullstory, follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations> Manage in your account
  • Find the Google Analytics: Event Measurement integration and click Install at the end of the row

When enabled, Google data layer events containing the event property will be captured. The event value will be used as the Custom Event name. Please note that events that begin with gtm are not captured as this information is usually already available in Fullstory. For highly active data layers, a custom rule may be needed instead of the out-of-the-box rule to prevent rate limiting. 

For more info, check out Google's Documentation.


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