Help Scout

Available for the following Plan types:

Fullstory Enterprise

Fullstory Advanced

Fullstory Business

Fullstory for Mobile Apps

Fullstory Free

Available to the following User roles:




The Fullstory App for Help Scout lets you see the most recent sessions for the customer who submitted a ticket. You'll need to do two things to get set up:

  1. Enable the Fullstory app within Help Scout
  2. Identify your users in Fullstory by their email address

We'll cover both below:



Getting your Fullstory API Key

Before you begin, you’ll need your secret Fullstory API key to connect your Fullstory account with Help Scout.

To find it, log into Fullstory, click the Settings tab in your left-hand sidebar, then select Integrations > API Keys. If there’s already a key listed there, great! If not, click the Create key button to create a new key, then click Save API Key. Copy the key to your clipboard so you can paste it into HelpScout.

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  1. Log into your Help Scout account and navigate to the Fullstory App
  2. Click the Install App button to install the Fullstory widget on your Help Scout account.
  3. Paste your API Key into the API Key field and select the mailboxes you'd like to connect:

  4. Click Save to save these settings.

Identifying Fullstory users with email address

In order for the integration to work, Fullstory needs to know the email address of visitors when they come to your site. This means using either FS.setUserVars() or FS.identify() to identify users and set the email field. We recommend setting the email address on every page load where the user is logged in. If you're only setting the email address, the call would look like this:


That’s it! When you open a ticket, you will see the Fullstory widget in the Customer Profile sidebar on the right. If the user who submitted the ticket is found in Fullstory, we’ll show links to their most recent sessions.

HelpScout Docs

If you're using Fullstory and HelpScout Docs, you can add Fullstory to Docs to see exactly how users are interacting with your documentation. We'll walk through how to set it up and some common searches you might use within Fullstory.

(And if you haven't already seen it, check out our Fullstory <> HelpScout integration).

Set up

To install Fullstory in Docs within HelpScout, do the following:

  1. Within HelpScout, go to Manage > Docs.
  2. Select the Docs site you wish to update.
  3. Click Custom Code on the left sidebar.
  4. In the "Insert <head> Code" section, paste your Fullstory data capture snippet.


That's it! Once you save the configuration, Fullstory will load on all new page loads, and you'll be able to see visits from users to your help site.

Note: As long as your help site has the same TLD-1 domain as your main site (e.g. and, visits to your help site and main site will appear in the same session.

Useful searches for HelpScout documentation

To limit your search to visitors to your documentation, add an event filter for Visited URL (host) that matches that of your help site:

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View visitors on your help site who have emailed support from within your documentation:

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Got Questions?

Get in touch with a Fullstory rep, ask the community or check out our developer documentation.