Rage Clicks, Error Clicks, Dead Clicks, and Thrashed Cursor | Frustration Signals

Fullstory surfaces what we call frustration signals—moments captured in sessions captured on your website or mobile app that, though painful to watch during replay, teach you something insightful about the user experience with your product. Rage Clicks, Dead Clicks, Error Clicks, and Thrashed Cursor are the primary frustration signals captured in session replay

Note: If Console Data Capture is disabled in your account, Fullstory will not capture errors.

Rage Clicks

Rage Clicks are like punching your computer or phone with your finger because it didn’t do what you wanted it to. The specific trigger for a Rage Click is clicking or tapping multiple times, rapidly, in the same area. 

To be clear, rage clicking is only based on what happens within captured sessions–Fullstory is not able to see user rage manifesting in mouse slamming, keyboard pounding, or some other user behavior.

Rage Clicks signal that your site or app didn’t react the way your customer wanted or thought it should – and you might want to take a look at changing it.

There is a default “Rage clicked recently” segment in your Fullstory sidebar. You can also build your own search using Rage Clicks and any combination of User Scope or Event Scope queries.

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Why don't Rage Clicks work for me?

You may be one of our customers whose Rage Click sessions don’t seem very ragey. That’s because some kinds of UI components, like Next and Previous buttons, naturally invite repeated clicks, which may trigger our heuristic even though it is “intended” behavior.

Then again, you may want to revisit any UI that requires users to click rapidly and repeatedly to accomplish a common task—we have examined this in some detail in From Rage Clicks to Product Improvements: how Rage Clicks can reveal user desires around unsatisfied "Jobs-to-Be Done."

If you determine you want to "mute" certain Rage Clicks, you can configure this within your Fullstory settings or add some extra code using fs-ignore. Please note that elements will be muted in new sessions moving forward. Rage Clicks will not be muted retroactively in previously captured sessions. 

Alternatively, you can use additional search refinements to target your Rage Click search. For example, search "Has Rage Clicks on CSS selector #submit-payment" or "Has Rage Clicks on URL path /cart." 


Error Clicks

Error Clicks surface sessions with a click or tap right before a client-side JavaScript error or console error occurs.

Start by searching for Error Clicks > On Anything and scope the search to Today or This Week. While watching sessions, you can open the Fullstory Console to view the specific error that was triggered by the user during their session.

If you already know the type of errors you want to look for, further refine the search by filtering Error Clicks by Error Type to specifically investigate console errors or uncaught exceptions.

If you find something that seems wrong, you can run another search scoped to the specific click event that triggered the error and view all sessions with Error Clicks around that event. (This is extra easy if you use our Inspect Mode tool)

→ Read more about Error Clicks in our Guide to Online Frustration »

Dead Clicks

Dead Clicks are clicks or taps that have no effect on the page.

Does that image look like it should zoom in when you click or tap it, but then it doesn’t? Do users consistently expect that text string to be a link? Is that form-submit button just not working? If nothing on the page changes within a few seconds of a click or tap, it will get marked as a Dead Click.

Searching for Dead Clicks helps you find the locations where these fruitless interactions are happening.

→ Read more about Dead Clicks in our Guide to Online Frustration »

Thrashed Cursor

Thrashed Cursor finds desktop web sessions where users moved their mouse erratically or in circles.

Mouse thrashing can be an indicator that the customer was confused, lost, or waiting on a page to load. 

Try running a search like, "Has thrashed cursor when the URL page path was /cart" to find sessions where users hesitated or had a difficult time in their cart. 

→ Learn more about Thrashed Cursor in our Guide to Online Frustration »

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