
Who can use this feature?
- Available for all paid plans.
- Not supported on Mobile.
- Requires an admin role to configure. 

Fullstory surfaces frustration signals -- like Rage Clicks, Error Clicks and Dead Clicks -- to help you identify moments where users are experiencing friction on your site. Using Ragehooks, you can now take immediate action on those signals to help resolve issues before they escalate into site abandonment or larger customer support cases.

Let’s say you manage an e-commerce website, and a user is going through your checkout flow to make a purchase. In the middle of entering their credit card, they are interrupted with an upsell pop-up. They try to click the X to close it, but it’s not working, so they Rage Click (click multiple times, rapidly, in the same area) and eventually leave the site without completing the purchase.

Using Ragehooks, you could specify that any Rage Clicks that happen in your checkout flow should immediately trigger a live chat to open. That would give the user an avenue to finish their order, and the support agent can pass the Fullstory session link along to the product team to analyze and debug the issue.

Supported Frustration Events

Currently Ragehooks can only be triggered off of Rage Click events. In the future, we plan to add support for other event types such as Dead Clicks, Error Clicks and more.

Actions You Can Trigger

Because Ragehooks are implemented client-side in the browser (more on that below), you have complete control over what actions or workflows are triggered by the frustration signal.

Here are some more ideas to consider:

  • Send Ragehooks to your marketing automation platform, and add users to an email audience if they Rage Clicked and did not convert.
  • Open a chat bot asking users if they need help after they Rage Click.
  • When users Rage Click, push an event to your Customer Data Platform (CDP) and build a real-time segment to be used with your site personalization engine to offer a promo code.

As with any other browser behavior, we recommend that you are careful about which behaviors you trigger via this event. It can be spoofed by a malicious actor if they so choose.

We are working with a number of different platforms to make it easy for you to use Ragehooks to trigger actions in Intercom, Qualtrics and more. If there is a specific platform you are curious about, reach out to support@fullstory.com and we can help!

Implementing a Ragehook

In order for Ragehooks to trigger actions in real time, they need to be added to your site’s code client-side. Your development team will add an event listener for a certain frustration event type, such as a Rage Click, and then tell it what to do when the event happens. See the Ragehooks developer guide for step-by-step instructions.

You can choose to listen for frustration events on a specific element, such as your Purchase button, or a group of elements, such as any element on your checkout page.

Once you have added the Ragehook code to your site, all you need to do within Fullstory is turn Ragehooks on in Settings. Have an admin on your account go to Settings > Data Capture and Privacy > Data Capture, find the section called Client-Side Ragehooks, and toggle on.

Excluding elements from triggering Ragehooks

If you are listening for frustration signals on any element on a page, there may be specific elements you know you don’t want to generate a Ragehook and prompt an action. For instance, if you have a calendar widget that allows users to select a delivery date, they may rapidly click an arrow icon to scroll through dates, and you would not want to consider this a frustration signal.

You can prevent certain elements from triggering Ragehooks by using a class name. Adding the class `fs-ignore-rage-clicks` on an element will make Fullstory ignore Rage Clicks on the element and the element's descendants. Learn more about using these class names here.

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