What do the symbols represent in Session Replay?

If you're just getting started with Fullstory, you may not be familiar with some of the visuals you'll see when watching sessions. Here's a high level view of what these icons represent. Additionally, if you see an icon or event appearing in pink when viewing a specific session, this simply means that this particular event matched your current search segment. 

Playback Timeline Key

These visuals appear in your playback timeline at the bottom of your screen.






Period of time when the user is actively doing something on your site. Learn more about what makes a user active versus inactive here.


Backgrounded activity

Period of time when the user has left the page and is browsing in an area that doesn’t include the Fullstory script; thus their data won't be captured. 

custom event-blue-svg.png

Custom event

Built with the Fullstory API, custom event data identifies and adds more context to events occurring within a session.



Period of time with no activity. Learn more about what makes a user active versus inactive here.

joined sessions.png

Joined sessions (e.g. Clips)

When you search for multiple events and those events occur in separate sessions, the results will display a clip or joined session rather than a single session.


Note and share

Stop the session, save the relevant spot, and leave notes for colleagues about it.


Page transition

Shows when a user moves to a different page. 



Tap to start viewing the session.



Tap to back up 7 seconds. 


Timeline scrubber

Shows your exact location in playback. 


Event Timeline Key

These visuals appear in your event timeline on the right of your screen.




api event-svg.png

API Event

Indicates where an API event is found. 

changed form-svg.png

Changed form element

Indicates when a user types information into a field on a form.

Clicked Text.png

Clicked text

Shows where users tapped specific text. 


Console error

The message that appears when an error is triggered. 


Cumulative layout shift

Shows how much content shifts on a page without user interaction. More information here.

custom event-svg.png

Custom event

Built with the Fullstory API, custom event data identifies and adds more context to events occurring within a session. More information here


Dead click

Shows where users tapping a specific location did nothing to change the page. More information here.


Defined event

Identifies an event that has been named within the UI. More information here.

error click-console-svg.png

Error click

An action a user takes that generates an error. More information here.


Explore event

When you see this symbol directly to the right of an event in the Event Timeline, you can click on this to explore the event further to identify trends as well as the number of events or affected users within the past 30 days. 


First input delay

Time from when a user first interacts with a page (ex. clicking a link or button) to the time when the browser is able to respond to the interaction. More information here.


Largest contentful paint

The time it takes for the largest element to load on your page. More information here.


Network error

Indicates a potential network issue on your website.


Page load

When the whole page and all of its dependent resources have finished loading. More information here.

rage click-svg.png

Rage Click

When the user taps something on a page repeatedly in frustration. More information here.


Referred by

This shows the previous page the user visited based on the document.referrer property within the user's browser at the time of their session.


Thrashed cursor

When the user moves their mouse around erratically in frustration. More information here.

visited url-svg.png

Visited URL

The URL where the user has navigated to. 


Watched element

A defined element you’re monitoring for whether it has been rendered on the page or visible in the user's viewport. More information here

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