What happens if I hit my session limit?

Each Fullstory plan includes a set number of sessions and server events that you're able to capture within a given cycle. You'll be able to view how many sessions and events you're able to capture, the number you've captured during this cycle thus far, as well as the exact time in which your session limit will be reset by navigating to the Settings > Account Management > Subscription page in your account. 


Once you've hit your session and event session limit, data capture within Fullstory will be paused until your next cycle. Before this happens though, we'll send an email notification to all account Admins as well as display a message within the UI for all users so that your team is aware. Once data capture is paused, you'll still be able to login and access previously captured sessions but no new sessions will be captured during this time period. 

Don't want to wait until your next cycle to continue capturing user sessions?

No problem! Simply reach out to your Account Executive or contact our Support team here so that we can help you find a different plan that better suits your session limit needs. 

Server event overages are available for Enterprise plans only. Within the Subscription section of your Settings, choose 'Adjust Plan' to request additional server events.

Product analytics retention vs Session replay retention: What's the difference?

Session replay retention includes all of the session data necessary for replaying user sessions. Product analytics retention includes 100% of the indexed data used for exploring, calculating, and analyzing historical trends. 

Understanding the difference in Fullstory

Here are a couple of examples of how your Product analytics retention and your Session replay retention will impact Fullstory. 

  • Session Playlist - Only sessions within your plan’s Session replay retention period will appear here. 
    • User Pages - User Pages are retrievable within your Session replay retention window. The data included in User Pages includes a series of all the pages that the user has visited. 
  • Product Analytics Tools - Metrics, Dashboards, Funnels, Conversions, and Journeys can be analyzed and explored for the full Product analytics retention period. However, associated sessions will only appear if they are within your plan’s Session replay retention.  
  • Page Insights - Page Insights will be accessible on sessions within your plan’s Session replay retention. However, underlying Product analytics data will remain for the length of your Product analytics retention. 
  • DevTools - The Console and Network tabs are only available for sessions within your plan’s Session replay retention. However, underlying data in DevTools such as console errors, uncaught exceptions, and Network error URLs will remain for the length of your Product analytics retention.
  • Exports - There are various export options available within your Product analytics retention window.
    • Data Export - Downloadable Fullstory aggregated data that can be exported at the event, page, session and user level so you can dive deeper into understanding an insight.
    • Segment Export - A feature of Data Export that allows users to analyze the events Fullstory captures in ways custom to their needs outside of the current UI.
    • Data Destinations - Export granular, near-raw event level data that enables Fullstory customers to sync all of their digital experience data directly into their cloud data warehouse.

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