Why can't I edit or archive an object in Fullstory?

Protected Objects in Fullstory 

Segments, Metrics, Pages, Dashboards, Funnels, Journeys, Retention & Heatmaps are protected objects in Fullstory, which means they can only be modified, archived, or deleted by the original object creator, an Admin, or an Architect. This helps make sure that important objects aren’t accidentally changed or removed by a teammate in your Fullstory account. 


Learn more about Standard, Admin, and Architect user roles here.

If you’re a Standard user, you can adjust a protected object’s search filters; however, you won’t be able to save your changes. Instead, you can use the Save As… button to create a new copy of the object for yourself.

Save As.png

Another approach to modify protected objects if you are not the original owner is to duplicate them and then edit as the original owner of the duplicated object. 

Transfer of Ownership

When an object owner is no longer a team member in Fullstory, admins can transfer ownership of their dashboards over to a new owner. Hovering over a dashboard’s name will reveal who owns it and, for admins, have an option to modify ownership:ModifyAdmin.png

Clicking this link will open a dialog that assigns a new owner.

FullStory 2022-04-22 at 3.46.19 PM.jpg

Simply enter the email of the new owner and the object will be transferred to and editable by them.


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