How do I understand when my team members last logged into Fullstory?

Any user with Admin or Umbrella Manager permissions can see the precise time when each user last logged into their Fullstory account by navigating to the Settings > Account Management > Users page and referring to the 'Last Active' column. Hovering over the 'Last Active' date will show the precise date and time.

Screen_Shot_2022-06-21_at_10.29.28_AM.pngThe user list can also be sorted by 'Last Active' date. This makes it easy to understand user behavior and update user settings as appropriate. For example, sort by the 'Last Active' date and remove inactive users to free up seats for other users or meet internal compliance requirements. 

Lastly, this table can also be downloaded as a CSV file, which can then be imported into spreadsheet applications, email services, and more.

Note: The 'Last Active' time was added in June 2021. Any login activity prior to June 2021 will not be displayed.

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