Best Practices: Naming Conventions in Fullstory

Spaces help you organize your Fullstory objects by team, project, or product. They're immensely helpful in orienting your users toward the objects they use every day. 

Within each space, it can also be helpful to use naming conventions for all unique objects you create. Implementing clear and consistent naming conventions for your segments, metrics, funnels, and other objects helps you cut through clutter and speeds your time to insights.

We've curated several sample naming conventions below based on how our most successful Fullstory customers label their objects. We hope you'll find some inspiration and relevant examples that will help you get started! 


Initially, we recommend that you name your Segments starting with a category, and then use a consistent naming convention following that. 

i.e. [Category] Cohort Name

Categories will be dependent upon your requirements and usage of Fullstory. Here are some category examples below:

  • [Flow] - an ordered set of criteria representing a Funnel/Path/Journey/Process on your site or app.
  • [Conversion] - customers completing purchases (or not completing purchases), registering and initiating a demo request.
  • [Frustration] - for rage clicks and/or dead clicks.
  • [Error] - for exceptions and errors.
  • [Campaign] - useful for looking at specific campaign segments.

Alternatively, sometimes you will prefer to organize by use case or team:

  • [Marketing] or [Engineering] - this can work well when you have multiple teams building Fullstory segments.
  • [Debugging], [Optimization], [Beta Tester]  - more focus on the usage of the cohort.

Lastly, here are some segment title examples after considering the above:

  • [Flow] Checkout Journey
  • [Conversion] Purchasers
  • [Frustration] Dead Clickers
  • [Error] Experienced Uncaught Exceptions or Console Errors
  • [UTM_Source] Facebook & Instagram
  • Flow | Checkout Journey
  • Conversion : Purchasers

For singular brands coming into one organization, these segment titles will most likely point towards one brand (as seen above). In the instance of multi-brand organizations (where multiple brands/sites are flowing into one organization in Fullstory) it is recommended that the initial category reflects the brand or site the segment pertains to. For example:

  • [BrandA] Flow: Checkout Journey
  • [Global] Conversion: Purchasers
  • [BrandA] [Flow]: Checkout Journey
  • [BrandA - Flow]: Checkout Journey
  • BrandA | Flow | Checkout Journey
  • BrandA | Flow : Checkout Journey


There are many categorization options for metrics and from customer to customer these can differ. Some of the potential categories could be:

  • [Conversion] - metrics that relate to specific conversion points such as ‘Downloaded a File’ or '% of Customers who have Downloaded a File'.
  • [Frustration] or [Error]  - for rage clicks, dead clicks, exceptions and other frustration and errors.
  • [Campaign] or [Marketing] - metrics relating to campaigns or marketing KPIs.
  • [Ecommerce] - online revenue, AOV and metrics associated with online sales.

You may require brand, country or department categorization instead, or in combination with the above.

Having naming conventions set in Metrics is one the most important areas for uniformity. Often the Metrics section can be the ‘Data Dictionary’ for your company - where all the company metrics live and are standardized. When these are not properly controlled, we often find multiple ‘Conversion Rates’ and other metrics. And in some cases, not only are they repeated, they are calculated in a different manner which can cause all manner of difficulties for you ability to rely on the reporting being built in Fullstory.

Below are some examples of well built Metrics in Fullstory:

Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organization Naming Conventions

  • [Conversion] Purchased Product
  • [Conversion] Registered
  • [Error] % of Customers Seeing Exceptions
  • [Frustration] Count of all Dead Clicks
  • [Marketing] Customers from Google 

Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations

  • [Brand A] Conversion: Purchased Product
  • [Italy - Conversion] Registered
  • [Brand A - Errors] % of Customers Seeing Exceptions
  • [United Kingdom][Frustration] Count of all Dead Clicks


For Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organizations, here are a few example naming conventions:

  • [Checkout] Homepage to Purchase
  • [Registration] Signup 

More detailed versions of the above could look something like:

  • [Checkout] Homepage > Cart > Checkout > Delivery > Purchase
  • [Registration] Start Registration > User Details > Preferences > Complete
  • Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations
  • [BrandA] Checkout: Homepage to Purchase
  • [BrandA] [Checkout] Homepage to Purchase

Lastly, you could opt for a more detailed definition:

  • [BrandA] Checkout: Homepage > Cart > Checkout > Purchase
  • [BrandA:Checkout] Homepage > Cart > Checkout > Purchase


Naming conventions differ for conversions but usually include the process, journey, or funnel they refer to and potentially the time range as this is fixed when you save an analysis. Our categorization recommendations are similar to that of funnels.

Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organization Naming Conventions

  • [Checkout] Homepage to Purchase | Weekly
  • [Registration] Signup | Monthly
  • [Registration] Signup | 02/02/21 to 09/02/21

Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations

  • [BrandA] Checkout: Homepage to Purchase | Weekly
  • [BrandA] [Checkout] Homepage to Purchase | Monthly
  • [Italy : Registration] Signup | Monthly
  • [Italy] Registration: Signup | 22/03/21 to 29/03/21


For categories, the recommendation is to use the segment or page/event as they are likely to be independent of the department or use case. However, once again, department and use case could be an alternative.

Some of the potential categories could be:

  • [Homepage], [Checkout], [Contact Us], [Exits]
  • [Order Complete], [Subscribe], [Register]
  • [Email Visitors], [Purchasers], [Subscribers], [Abandoners]

Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organization Naming Conventions

  • [Homepage] Paths from the Homepage
  • [Homepage] Summer Campaign from Homepage
  • [Checkout] Paths to Checkout
  • [Checkout] Paths for Visitors with Errors to Checkout
  • [Visitors with Errors] Paths to Checkout
  • [Summer Campaign] Paths to Checkout
  • [Summer Campaign] All Exit Pages
  • [Entry] All Entry Pages

Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations

  • [Brand A] Homepage: Paths from the Homepage
  • [UK - Homepage] Paths from the Homepage
  • [Brand A - Visitors with Errors] Paths to Checkout
  • [Brand A] [Summer Campaign] All Entry Pages
  • [Italy] [Exits] Summer Campaign Exit Pages


When you configure elements, you can replace complex CSS selectors with simple names. This helps make your Fullstory data more meaningful and easy to understand. After you name an element, you can search for it by name when analyzing your data. 

For elements, we recommend your categories be page or site section. For example:

  • [Header] / [Footer] - Elements that are across the site in a fixed, cross-page header or footer.
  • [Registration Modal] - If the page has overlays or modals you may want to add the modal categorization as well. In many cases, there is no need to do this and the page is enough.
  • [Contact Us] / [Product Page] - specific pages where elements are present.

Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organization Naming Conventions

  • [Header] Sign in Button
  • [Header] Navigation > Dresses Link
  • [Homepage] Advertisement Section
  • Product Page | Add to Cart Button
  • [Product Page] Recommendations > Product Image
  • Checkout: Error Message

Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations

  • [UK | Header] Contact Us Button
  • [UK] [Header] Contact Us Button
  • Brand A | Header > My Account Link
  • Brand B | Product Page | Add to Cart Button
  • Italy: Product Page > Add to Cart Button


Dashboards naturally fit into categories as they are built by departments. However, sometimes you may want to build dashboards based on your role in your organization, to investigate particular issues or for particular projects. These scenarios can all benefit from structured naming conventions and categorization.

Some of the potential categories could be:

  • [Marketing], [Support], [Engineering]
  • [Website Rebuild], [Project A]
  • [Contact Form Error], [Bounce Issues]

Single Brand or Single Umbrella Organization Naming Conventions

  • [Marketing] Main KPIs
  • [Marketing] Summer 2022 Campaign
  • [Engineering] Errors & Frustration
  • [Project A] Website 2.0 KPIs

Multi-Brand / Multi-Country Organizations

  • [Brand A] Marketing: Main KPIs
  • [UK - Marketing] New Registrations
  • [Brand A - Engineering] Errors & Frustration
  • [Brand A] [Project B] Rebuild Issues

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