Session Overages

Available for the following Plan types:

Fullstory Enterprise

Fullstory Advanced

Fullstory Business

Fullstory for Mobile Apps

Fullstory Free

Available to the following User roles:





What are Session Overages?

'Session Overages' is an opt-in feature that allows your account to automatically purchase extra blocks of sessions when you exceed your session quota. This ensures that critical functionalities like session capture continues without interruption.

Session Overages helps to:

  • Prevent data shutoffs
  • Maintain uninterrupted service
  • Manage unexpected increases in session volume due to seasonality, promotions, or other external factors.

Note: Session Overages is not currently available for Umbrella Accounts.


What are Session Quotas?

Your Fullstory plan includes a set number of sessions, known as your session quota, that you can capture within a given cycle. You can view your session quota and usage by navigating to Settings > Account Management: Sessions

When you reach your session quota, data capture will be paused until the start of your next monthly or annual usage cycle. Your administrator will be alerted ahead of time via in-app notification and email (if turned on). A warning message will also be displayed ahead of time under Session Usage to all members of your account.



Enabling Session Overages

Session Overages is disabled by default. Follow these steps to opt-in:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management: Sessions
  2. Toggle Overages On
    • If you haven't added a credit card, click Add a credit card, then enter your information and click Add
      • Note:Currently, overage charges cannot be paid via an invoice.
  3. Click Yes, Turn On
  4. Enter the maximum number of additional blocks allowed.

Session Overages.gif


Session Overage Charges

Overage charges are applied in increments of 100,000 sessions per block at the end of the session usage cycle and at the current overage rate.

Note: the overage rate differs from your contractual per-session rate. The current rate can be found in-app by hovering over How much is each block? near the opt-in toggle.

Charges are tracked separately from your contractual session quota and an invoice will be sent to the specified billing contact via Stripe.

Example charges when opted-in:

  • 0 sessions over contractual quota: No charge
  • 80,000 sessions over contractual quota: Charged for 1 block at current overage rate
  • 120,000 sessions over contractual quota: Charged for 2 blocks at current overage rate

You can adjust the maximum number of overage blocks allowed by your account to avoid unexpected charges.


Monitoring Session Overages

Your session usage will be updated to show the number of overage blocks based on your set quota. This can be viewed by going to Settings > Account Management: Sessions.


Session Quota Notifications

Your administrator can customize notifications to send a notification when the account’s session consumption reaches a set threshold. To do this:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management: Sessions
  2. In the % field of 'Notify when this account has reached __% of its session limit,' update the number listed.

To turn session quota notifications on/off:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management: Notifications
  2. Toggle Quota warning on/off


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I opt out of Session Overages during a cycle?

You can opt out of using Session Overages or adjust your block quota at any time. However, your credit card on file will be charged for any session overage blocks already consumed during the cycle.


Do I have to opt-in every time my session usage cycle resets?

No. All configurations, including opting in/out, maximum session block limits, and session quota notification thresholds, will persist until changed.

Note: Once opted in, if your account exceeds the session quota in the future, you will be charged for overages at the current session overages rate.


What's the maximum number of session blocks allowed for a cycle?

10 blocks of 100,000 sessions (1,000,000 sessions per quota cycle).

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