Can I save searches that I use frequently as a Segment?

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Enterprise, Advanced, Business, and Free plans; and Mobile add-on.
- Available for admins, architects, and standard users.

Yes! The option to save a segment will appear after you add at least one User Filter or Event Filter.

Click the Save Segment button at the top of the page. Name your segment, give it a description, and add it to a Space. Then, click Save segment.

CleanShot 2024-01-05 at 14.26.46@2x.png

Where you can find your saved segments

Find your Segments in the Space where you saved them, or go to the Library and click Segments to see all Segments in your account. 

Libray > Segment.png

Note: Each user can curate their own list of favorite segments by clicking the ⭐️ icon located next to the name of the segment. When you star a segment, Fullstory adds it to your Starred Items for easy access.

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