Can Fullstory show only new visitors?

Yes! You can visit the New this week segment in your Fullstory account or use the First seen user filter to build custom segments of new visitors. The New this week segment is saved and starred by default in your Fullstory account. 

Search for New Visitors with First Seen

If you're looking to find users who visited your website for the first time in the last week, check out the New this week segment


The user filter for this segment is: First seen in the last 7 days.


One important note about Fullstory is that user’s sessions are associated together across their journey in their user card. That means that you can search for the users that visited your site or mobile application, potentially days or months, before they actually signed up for your product or began a subscription with you.

One quick caveat

Fullstory will automatically delete older sessions based on your Session replay retention settings, that is, the number of months of session replay retention you have for your account. When Fullstory does this, any "user tip data" such as First seen is preserved, even if the original session for the user has been deleted. For example, if someone first visited your site or mobile application 6 months ago but your Session replay retention period is 3 months, Fullstory will report the first visit of the user as 6 months prior even though the session associated with that visit had been deleted.

The only exception to this rule is if, when Fullstory deletes user data, all of the data for a particular a user is deleted, all of the "user tip data" for that user will also be deleted. This happens if someone visits your site once and never comes back. For example, let's say you have 12 months of Product analytics retention. A customer visits on January 1 but doesn't return to your site. The next year, 12 months later, both the session and analytic data for that customer will be deleted, including the First seen value of January 1 for that customer. If the same customer returns to the site in the next year, Fullstory will now report their First seen value as the more recent date.

Hopefully you never come across a scenario this complex! But if you do, the above explanation should come in handy.

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