How can I use CSS selectors in Fullstory Search?

Who can use this feature?
- Available with Enterprise, Advanced, Business, and Free plans.
- Available for admins, architects, explorers, and standard users.

You can search for elements in Fullstory based on either the display text (i.e. Clicked text is) or by using a CSS selector to pinpoint a specific element.


When searching using a CSS selector in Fullstory, the following formats are supported: 

Any descendant: a b
Attribute equals: [a=b]
Attribute contains word (space delimited): [a~=b]
Attribute contains: [a*=b]
Attribute starts with word (hyphen delimited): [a|=b]
Attribute starts with: [a^=b]
Attribute ends with: [a$=b]

An example of searching for a data-component attribute that ends with line:


This session was returned in the search as it has a Click on a data-component called Timeline:



ID Selectors: #a
ID starts with word (hyphen delimited): [id|=a]
ID starts with: [id^=a]


An example of searching for an id that begins with gats:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 17.18.44.png

This returns a session with a click on an element with id #gatsby-focus-wrapper:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 17.20.41.png


Class Selectors: .a
Class starts with word (hyphen delimited): [class|=a]
Class starts with: [class^=a]


An example of searching for clicks on elements with a class of xToClose:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 17.24.56.png

Which returns this session:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 17.29.47.png


Type (element) Selectors: a


An example of searching for clicks on elements of type a (hyperlinks):

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 17.33.29.png

Note: We do not support direct descendent expressions such as > for Search.

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