Fullstory Glossary

This glossary describes key Fullstory concepts, terms, and products. Use this for quick reference if you come across an unfamiliar word.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


A Fullstory subscription is an account. Also called an "organization" or "org."

Add object
The action of adding an existing object to a Space to be referenced in the Spaces' Library. Adding an object to a Space does not change the object's ownership. 

A type of Fullstory user who can view and modify all settings. 

Notifies you when a value falls outside an expected range. You can alert on a metric or segment. 

A type of Fullstory user with expanded permissions (compared to a Standard User), including access to technical features such as API, Data Export, Page Definitions, etc. Available for select plans.

Audit Trails
An API that provides users with a way to retrieve current settings and details of any modifications to data capture and privacy rules for an account.

Autoplay arrow
In session replay, autoplay allows you to play through a series of sessions belonging to a segment. It allows you to load and play the previous or next session. 

Average and gap trend insight
A type of metric insight that is only found on trend metrics with grouped properties, offering insight into the distance between the leading properties or dimensions

Average trend insight
A type of metric insight that is triggered when there is a significant change between the current average value and the previous average value.


Block (verb)
To prevent data from being captured by Fullstory. 

Blocks (noun)
Additional sessions or "overages" are provisioned in "blocks." 

Browser breakdown
The total count of users in the segment who accessed your site, broken down by browser.


A way to visually display analytics data for Segments, Metrics, Dashboards, and Home. 

Click map
A Heatmap visualization that shows which elements of a page are most commonly clicked by end-users.

A group of users is defined by a set of filter criteria. Also called a "segment."

Similar to the Console in the developer tools of your favorite web browser, the Fullstory Console view enables you to see messages logged to the browser's console during any customer's session.

An analysis that shows what percentage of users accomplished a defined goal. 

The action to build (or create) a brand new analysis from scratch. 

CSS selector
A patterned string of characters that is used to target an element (or elements) from a document. The selection can be based on the element's type or any of its attributes, such as ID, class, data-* attributes, aria-label attributes, etc. 


A collection of important metrics. 

Data capture
The collection of session data by Fullstory that captures details of end-user interactions.

Data capture rule
Rules that exclude, mask, or unmask specific parts of your website or app.

Data Direct
A product that enables syncing digital experience data directly into your cloud data warehouse, such as Snowflake or Google BigQuery.  

Data Exports
A file containing processed data for users, sessions, and events that you can export and analyze outside Fullstory, available to Enterprise users.

Data Layer Capture
Our data layer capture technology is designed to automatically capture common data layer attributes and make them available in Fullstory as custom events or user variables.

Data Management
Capabilities related to defining and managing product analytics definitions. This is the name of a section within the Settings menu.

Dead Clicks
User clicks or taps that do not affect the page.

Detection Event
Events that indicate that sensitive data (passwords, payment cards, or emails) have been captured. False positives can be flagged to ignore, and true positives can be resolved by adding a new mask or exclusion rule.

Dev tools toggle
In session replay, this is the button to turn the dev view on and off.

Device breakdown
The count of sessions for your given search or segment that happen on mobile vs. desktop or other device types.

Fullstory-generated emails sent daily or weekly with summary statistics for your captured data and details of new segments, notes, or teammates added to your account.

A metric, broken down by property, displayed as a bar chart.


Element text
The user-visible text for a given element. For example, 'Buy Now' could be the element text for a button.

An element is a part of a web page or document that is enclosed in tags (i.e. <div></div>) and may contain data (text or an image) and various attributes. In Fullstory, you can "define" them, "name" them, and "watch" them to represent key pieces of data in a customized and meaningful way.

Entry page
The first page users reach at the beginning of a session.

Error clicks
When a user clicks something and there is a backend error (not necessarily a user-facing error).

Definitions of key actions users have taken. Put another way, they are behaviors, or verbs; things users do when engaging with your site or app.

Events (API Defined)
The result of using the FS.event() API to send a custom event to Fullstory, adding an extra layer of context.

Event (User defined)
An event instrumented in Fullstory that gives a more readable name to common searches, high-interest events, and events with complex criteria.

Event filter
Used to narrow down searches by specific event criteria. 

Event sequence
The order by absolute time in which events take place in Fullstory.

Exclude, exclusion
Used in the context of privacy, excluded information is suppressed on the client side. It never touches Fullstory's servers.

Exit page
The last page users reach before the end of a session.


Featured (Spaces)
The featured tab is a Spaces landing page. It allows you to showcase or highlight objects you want to look at every time you view the Space. Objects can be added to the Featured tab from the Spaces Library or the objects detail page. 

Form privacy
A pre-configured set of element data capture rules that an admin can enable to block capture of data entered into form elements.

Frustrated session
A user session that is problematic because it includes negative sentiment such as rage clicking, dead clicking, error clicking, or thrashing cursor.

Frustration signals
Signs of user frustration, like rage clicks, dead clicks, etc.

How Fullstory's patented Data Engine automatically logs every aspect of your end-users' interactions without manual instrumentation or tagging.

A behavior analysis tool that looks into a series of events leading to users completing a task, such as completing a purchase or requesting a refund.


General Space
The default or primary gathering space for your account. All objects are initially owned by the General Space but can be transferred to other spaces. The General Space can be edited but not deleted. 

A type of Fullstory user who can only view shared sessions via a share link.


A data visualization technique that shows how users engage with a page. High and low engagement areas are represented by colors that vary in hue and intensity. 

Your personal page for quick actions and individualized metrics. 


Index and store
Terms used to describe what Fullstory does with digital user interaction data.

Inspect mode
A tool within Fullstory that can be used to find a CSS Selector for a specific element on the page.


A diagram that shows common paths users take to or from a specified event or page.

Jump to moment
Ability to go directly to a specific moment in time during a session replay.


Library (Main)
The collection of objects in Fullstory, such as metrics, funnels, segments, etc. located on the left-hand navigation menu. 

Library (Spaces)

The collection of objects in Fullstory, such as metrics, funnels, segments, etc. that are relevant to that Space. 


A type of element capture rule that blocks an element's text value while retaining the element's general size/color/shape and any user interactions with that element. A privacy-related term.

An individual KPI that quantifies your analytics data.

Metric insight
Fullstory automatically generates metric insights when your data has interesting trends or anomalies. There are three types: average trend insight, volatility trend insight, and average and gap trend insight.

Most common entry pages
The total count of entry page views for sessions that match your segment and your specified time frame.


Note and share
In session replay, you can create a note related to a point in time. This note can be shared by copying a link or shared via an integration.

A message generated based on an event occurring in Fullstory.


Optimized selector
Fullstory's suggestion for a more concise selector that removes extraneous data. Compared to a full selector, the optimized selector removes any noisy attributes (e.g., class= "sc-12430xc") and respects the Element Attributes configured in settings.

Defines additional purchased sessions. "Overages" are sold in "blocks" on select plans. 


Page flow card
A dashboard card that shows the top pages users visited before and after a given page visit. 

Page insights
Page-level data in Fullstory, compared to user or session-based data. This includes Click Maps, Heat Maps, Scroll Maps, and Inspect Mode.

Pages are collections of similar URLs, or screens on a mobile app, that you'd like to analyze holistically.  For example, a "Product Detail Page" aggregates data for all individual product URLs or screens. 

Private by default
A setting that minimizes the risk of capturing sensitive or unwanted data with Fullstory. When enabled, no text is ever captured or leaves the user's browser unless explicitly allowlisted as safe to capture.

Properties are configured via the API and additional context to events, pages, and users.


Rage click
When a user clicks or taps repeatedly on an element within a short period. Rage clicks indicate frustration. 

Rate limiting
Limiting the number of operations or events performed in a given time range.

A website that sends visitors to another website. In other words, the referrer tells you what URL a user navigated from before landing on your site. Fullstory's ability to capture referrer information depends largely on each user's browser and cookie settings. 

Retention, retention charting
Visualizes user engagement by tracking the number of users that return to a specific event after another over time.

Rule exception
A rule exception allows an admin to define cases where an element capture rule should not apply.

A set of data capture rules that are logically grouped.


Screen resolution breakdown
The total counts for the sessions where users accessed your site with a particular screen resolution.

Scroll map
A data visualization showing how far users scroll down on a given page.

A group of users defined by a set of filter criteria, also called "cohort." Alternately, a third-party tool that integrates with Fullstory. 

Segment health
Segment health tracks events per session, session length, and active time for a given segment.

Session, session replay
A recreation of every step a user took on your website or app. Almost every feature/visualization (like Heatmaps, Funnels, Dashboards, etc.) has session playlists of the users who contributed to that visualization. 

Sharing settings
A setting under Account Management > Users from which admins can define how users who don't have a paid seat (Guest users) can access Fullstory.

Skipping inactivity
In session replay, the ability to fast forward through periods without user activity.

Slowest pages
The slowest pages related to any search or segment are measured by First Contentful Paint.


A workspace containing a collection of Fullstory objects for brands, regions, teams, and more. With Spaces, teams can instantly connect the right data for any project, initiative, or their own work. 

Standard user
A type of Fullstory user who can view all settings but can't change them.

Starred items
A curated list of favorite data objects. Click the star icon next to the data object's name to add it to your starred items. 


Tabbed browsing
Watching users open and close multiple tabs as they browse a site.

Thrashed cursor
When a user moves their cursor back and forth rapidly out of frustration.

Top pages
The top most-visited pages for a given segment. 

Top referrer
The most common referrers for a given segment and how many users visited you via that referrer.

Top users
The users with the most matching sessions for your current search or segment. 

Top UTM campaigns, mediums, and sources
A way to visualize which marketing campaigns, channels, and sources generate the most sessions for a given search or segment.

Transfer object

The action of moving (or transferring) ownership of an object from one Space to another. 


For given plans, the top-level Fullstory account that governs session and user allocation for other accounts in the organization. 

Unique Session
A single session. Each session starts when a user visits your site and ends after 30 minutes of inactivity (or 24 hours of active session capture). 

Unique User
A single user. Fullstory aggregates anonymous sessions from the same browser into a single unique user via cookie. You can also identify unique users with a custom User ID using FS.identify

User filter
Used to narrow down searches by specific user criteria. 

User trends
A metric visualization that shows how many users match your criteria within a given time frame. 


Visitor Count
This is shown in the Fullstory Digest emails and refers to the number of unique users for the previous day for the Fullstory Daily Digest emails or the previous week for the Fullstory Weekly Digest emails. 


Event-driven triggers that send data to third-party systems. Fullstory webhooks are customizable triggers that send your Fullstory event data to other systems in near real-time.

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