Data Management in Fullstory

Data Management in Fullstory is an interface for you to create structure and meaning out of the raw data being captured in Fullstory. It allows you to understand and use it for anyone in your organization easily. Below, we’ll discuss the key concepts of Data Management in Fullstory.

Data Management can be found on your Settings page.


Events are definitions of key actions users have taken. Put another way; they are behaviors or verbs, things users do when engaging with your site or app. 

Users can create and manage Events in two ways. They can assign a semantic meaning to auto-captured events with complex criteria in Fullstory or send instrumented events via API integration, giving them a human name to use in different areas of the UI, such as segments, metrics, conversion, and other library objects. This helps users across all businesses to get meaning out of the raw data and makes it easy to understand.

For example, take advantage of future revenue searches by creating an Order Completed event to track successful order paths on your eCommerce site.

Read more about defining the events that matter to your business here

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Properties act as additional context for events, pages, and users. They provide dimensions to groups by filters like events, pages, and users (i.e. page events and properties describe what happened on the page).

Use custom user properties like displayname, to ​​give each visitor to your site a distinct display name in the Fullstory UI that you can easily search for later. An admin or architect can manage the properties that have been sent to Fullstory via an API and archive properties that are deprecated or that were created by mistake (typos, etc). Additionally, you have the ability to see what API events are connected to specific properties in the Connections column.

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Page definitions represent important destinations in a customer’s digital experience. Fullstory supports defining and naming page groups directly within most application areas. You can control how specific page groupings are and provide them with names that are easy to understand and read for anyone using Fullstory in their organization. For more information on grouping similar URLs together and the analytical benefits, check out this article.

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Elements are definitions or semantic meanings of CSS and other Elements that represent key pieces of data that customers use regularly. They are valuable for the key actions taken through the digital experience and represent permanent actions important for business-critical data points.

Give names to important elements on your site, like an Add to Cart button, so that you can start tracking this and other important elements the visitors of your site interact with. 

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